sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012


Buenas de nuevo: Os traigo las convocatorias vigentes a nivel europeo..Feliz sábado!.

(ACER) The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

Seconded National Expert (M/F)
Seconded National Expert – Framework Guidelines and Network Codes
Ref.: ACER/SNE/2012/005
Deadline for applications: 05 December 2012
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
More information: http://www.acer.europa.eu/The_agency/Working_at_ACER/Pages/Currrent-vacancies.aspx
Seconded National Expert (M/F)
Seconded National Expert – REMIT
Ref.: ACER/SNE/2012/006
Deadline for applications: 05 December 2012
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
More information: http://www.acer.europa.eu/The_agency/Working_at_ACER/Pages/Currrent-vacancies.aspx
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Senior Legal and Policy Officer
Ref.: ACER/2012/010
Grade: AD7
Deadline for applications: 7 December 2012
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
More information: http://www.acer.europa.eu/The_agency/Working_at_ACER/Pages/Currrent-vacancies.aspx

(BEREC) The Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications

Contract agent (M/F)
(only applicable to candidates whose names are already on a valid EPSO CAST reserve list CA FGII)
Secretary to the Programme Management Unit
Ref. BEREC/2012/11
Grade : CA FG II
Deadline for applications : 3 December 2012
Location : Riga, Latvia
More information: http://berec.europa.eu/eng/document_register/subject_matter/berec_office/publication_of_notices/?doc=1054


Temporary Agent (M/F)
Ref: CEDEFOP/2012/07/AST
Grade: AST 3
Deadline for applications: 18 December 2012
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
More information: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/working-with-us/job-opportunities.aspx
Temporary agent (M/F)
Ref: CEDEFOP/2012/08/AD
Grade: AD 14
Deadline for applications: 25 January 2013
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
More information: http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/working-with-us/job-opportunities.aspx


Contract Agent (M/F)
Ref. CDT-AC III-2012/09 SharePoint ‘Functional Administrator’ Assistant
Grade: FG III
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012
Location: Luxembourg
More information: http://cdt.europa.eu/EN/jobs/Pages/Jobs-opportunities.aspx

(DG COMP) Directorate General Competition - European Commission

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Administrator within the Chief Economist Team
Ref.: COM/TA/COMP/12/AD5
Grade: AD5
Deadline for applications: 14.12.2012 at 12 a.m., Brussels time
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information:  http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/competition/index_en.htm#vacancies

(DG ECHO) European Commission

Auxiliary Contract Staff (M/F)
(only applicable to candidates whose names are already on a valid EPSO CAST reserve list)
EU Emergency Response Centre - On-duty Operational Agent
Ref.: ERC-FGII-2012
Grade: FGII
Deadline for applications: 15 December 2012
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/about/jobs/erc/cast-staff_en.htm
Auxiliary Contract Staff (M/F)
(only applicable to candidates whose names are already on a valid EPSO CAST reserve list)
EU Emergency Response Centre - Duty Officer
Ref.: ERC-FGIII- 2012
Grade: FGIII
Deadline for applications:  15 December 2012
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information: http://ec.europa.eu/echo/about/jobs/erc/cast-staff_en.htm

(DG ENTR) Enterprise and Industry

Temporary agents (M/F)
Administrators - EU Satellite Navigation Programmes
Grade: AD 8
Ref.: COM/TA/ENTR/H1/AD8/2012; COM/TA/ENTR/H2/AD8/2012, COM/TA/ENTR/H3/AD8/2012
Deadline for applications: 21/12/2012
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information:  (http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/contracts-grants/calls-for-expressions-of-interest/index_en.htm)
Temporary Agent (M/F) in the field of the communication
Grade: AD5
Ref.: COM/TA/ENTR/R4/AD5/2012
Deadline for applications: 21/12/2012
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information:  (http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/contracts-grants/calls-for-expressions-of-interest/index_en.htm)

(DG JRC) Joint Research Centre

Auxiliary Contract Staff (M/F)
Policy Analyst - Content analysis (Country desk)
Ref: JRC/2012/A2/IV/002
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for applications: 29/11/2012, noon (Brussels time)
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=6940
Auxiliary Contract Staff (M/F)
Assistant Policy Officer
Ref: JRC/2012/A2/III/004
Grade: FG III
Deadline for applications: 04/12/2012, noon (Brussels time)
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=6960

(EASA) The European Aviation Safety Agency

Temporary Agent
Operational Suitability - Rotorcraft Expert (F/M)
Ref. EASA/AD/2012/039
Grade: AD 9
Deadline for applications: 26 November 2012
Location: Cologne, Germany
More information: http://www.easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/g/g_recruitment_main.php
Contract Agent
Backup and Archiving Officer (F/M)
Ref. EASA/IV/2012/040
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for applications: 03 December 2012
Location: Cologne, Germany
More information: http://www.easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/g/g_recruitment_main.php
Temporary Agent
Continuing Airworthiness Organisation Approvals Team Leader (F/M)
Ref. EASA/AD/2012/041
Grade: AD 8
Deadline for applications: 05 December 2012 
Location: Cologne, Germany
More information: http://www.easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/g/g_recruitment_main.php
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Design Organisation Approval Team Leader
Ref. EASA/AD/2012/042
Grade: AD 6
Deadline for applications: 10 December 2012 
Location: Cologne, Germany
More information: http://www.easa.europa.eu/ws_prod/g/g_recruitment_main.php

(EASO) European Asylum Support Office

SNE (Seconded National Expert)
Field Officer for the Centre for Operational Support
Ref.: EASO/2012/002
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Contract Agent
Deployment Officer
Ref.: EASO/2012/023
Grade: FG III
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Contract Agent
IT Portal Maintenance and Development Officer
Ref.: EASO/2012/025
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Contract Agent
Data Collection and Processing Officer
Ref.: EASO/2012/026
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Temporary agent
Didactic and E. Learning Expert
Ref.: EASO/2012/027
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Temporary agent
Program Coordination Officer for the Centre for Operational Support
Ref.: EASO/2012/020
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Temporary agent
Project Officer for the Centre for Operational Support
Ref.: EASO/2012/021
Grade: AD 6
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Temporary Agent
Information and Analyst Coordinator
Ref.: EASO/2012/024
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
Contract Agent
Project Support Officer for the Centre for Operational Support
Ref.: EASO/2012/022
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/
SNE (Seconded National Expert)
COI Expert on Western Balkans
Ref.: EASO/2012/004
Deadline for applications: 19 December 2012 (13:00)
Location: Valletta, Malta
More information: http://www.easo.europa.eu/

(EBA) European Banking Authority

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Head of the Home Host Coordination Unit
Ref.: CLOV TA 25/2012R
Grade: AD 10
Deadline for applications: 27/11/2012 at 12.00 noon (GMT)
Location: London, United Kingdom
More information: http://eba.europa.eu/Aboutus/Careers/Vacancies/Temporary-agents.aspx
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Policy Expert (own funds)
Ref.: CLR TA 29/2012
Grade: AD 8
Deadline for applications: 07/12/2012 at 12.00 noon (London time)
Location: London, United Kingdom
More information: http://eba.europa.eu/Aboutus/Careers/Vacancies/Temporary-agents.aspx

(ECB) The European Central Bank

Graduate Programme (M/F)
ECB Graduate Programme
Ref.: 2013-038-GP-EXT
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2012
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
More information: https://jobs.ecb.int/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply?PARAM=cG9zdF9pbnN0X2d1aWQ9Q0IxNzFGNTA4OUI1QzU0QUUxMDAwMDAwQUMxMjA5QTAmY2FuZF90eXBlPUVYVA%3d%3d&sap-client=100&sap-language=EN
Traineeship (M/F)
Ref. 2012-101-TRA-EXT
Grade: N/A
Deadline for applications: 6 December 2012
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
More information: https://jobs.ecb.int/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply?PARAM=cG9zdF9pbnN0X2d1aWQ9NzBEMEEzNTAwQkMwQjAxMUUxMDAwMDAwQUMxMjA5QTAmY2FuZF90eXBlPUVYVA%3d%3d&sap-client=100&sap-language=EN

(ECDC) The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 

Contract Agent (M/F)
Programme Officer
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for applications: 26 November 2012
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
More information: http://ecdc.europa.eu/en/aboutus/jobs/Pages/JobOpportunities.aspx

(ECHA) The European Chemicals Agency

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Senior Scientific Officer – Risk Management
Ref.: ECHA/TA/2012/010
Deadline for applications: 26 November 2012 at noon 12:00 Helsinki time (11:00 CET)
Location: Helsinki, Finland
More information: http://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/about-us/jobs/open-positions
Contract Agent (M/F)
IT Assistant –Windows Support
Ref.: ECHA/CA/III/2012/010
Function Group: III
Deadline for applications: 26 November 2012 at noon 12:00 Helsinki time (11:00 CET) 
Location: Helsinki, Finland
More information: http://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/about-us/jobs/open-positions

(EEA) The European Environment Agency

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Project Officer – Environmental indicators and assessments
Ref.: EEA/AST/2012/12
Grade: AST3
Deadline for applications: 07/12/2012
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
More information: http://www.eea.europa.eu/about-us/jobs

(EFSA) The European Food Safety Authority

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Junior Legal Officer
Ref.: EFSA/X/AD/2012/C021
Grade: AD5
Deadline for applications: 12 December 2012
Location: Parma, Italy
More information:

(EIOPA) The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority

Seconded National Expert (M/F)
Expert on Internal Models
Ref. 1232SNE5
Deadline for applications: 2 December 2012 (23:59 CET)
Location: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
More information: https://eiopa.europa.eu/fileadmin/tx_dam/files/vacancies/1232SNE5_SNE_on_Internal_Models.pdf 

(EIT) The European Institute of Innovation and Technology 

Temporary Agent (F/M)
Senior Internal Control and Planning Officer
Reference: EIT/TA/2012/70
Grade: AD 9
Deadline for applications:  3 December 2012
Location: Budapest, Hungary
For more information: http://eit.europa.eu/careers
Temporary Agent (F/M)
Internal Auditor
Reference: EIT/TA/2012/71
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications:  3 December 2012
Location: Budapest, Hungary
For more information:  http://eit.europa.eu/careers

(EMA) The European Medicines Agency

Head of Legal Service, Directorate
Ref: EMA/AD/340
Grade: AD10
Deadline for application: 7 December 2012
Location: London, UK
More information: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/jobs/2012/11/job_detail_000062.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac05805faa0c
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Contract Staff (long-term), User and Application Support Sector, Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Ref: EMA/CA/L/032
Grade: FG III
Deadline for application: 7 December 2012
Location: London, UK
More information: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/jobs/2012/11/job_detail_000061.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac05805faa0d
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Contract Staff (long-term), Medical Information, Patient Health Protection Unit
Ref: EMA/CA/L/033
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for application: 7 December 2012
Location: London, UK
More information: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/jobs/2012/11/job_detail_000063.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac05805faa0e
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Contract Staff (long-term), H-HM-SSP (Scientific Support & Projects), Human Development and Evaluation Unit
Ref: EMA/CA/L/034
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for application: 7 December 2012
Location: London, UK
More information: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/jobs/2012/11/job_detail_000064.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac05805faa0f
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Contract Staff (long-term), Human Medicines Special Areas Sector or Safety and Efficacy of Medicines Sector, Human Medicines Development and Evaluation Unit
Ref: EMA/CA/L/035
Grade: FG IV
Deadline for application: 7 December 2012
Location: London, UK
More information: http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/jobs/2012/11/job_detail_000065.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac05805faa10

(EMSA) The European Maritime Safety Agency

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Network and System Engineer
Ref. EMSA/AST/2012/03
Grade: AST3
Deadline for applications: 17/12/2012
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
More information: http://www.emsa.europa.eu/work/jobs/vacancies.html

(ERA) European Railway Agency

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Reserve list for a post of Project Officer in the Cross Acceptance Unit
Ref.: ERA/AD/2012/011-OPE
Grade : AD6
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2012 
Location : Valenciennes, France
More information : http://www.era.europa.eu/The-Agency/Jobs/Pages/Open-Vacancies.aspx

(ESMA) European Securities and Markets Authority

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Senior Officer - Secondary Markets
Ref.: ESMA/2012/VAC73/AD7
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2012 (13:00h, Paris local time)
Location: Paris, France
More information: http://www.esma.europa.eu/page/ESMA-Vacancies
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Senior Officer – Post Trading
Ref.: ESMA/2012/VAC74/AD7
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2012 (13:00h, Paris local time)
Location: Paris, France
More information: http://www.esma.europa.eu/page/ESMA-Vacancies
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Senior Officer – Corporate Reporting
Ref.: ESMA/2012/VAC76/AD8
Grade: AD 8
Deadline for applications: 10 December 2012 (13:00h, Paris local time)
Location: Paris, France
More information: http://www.esma.europa.eu/page/ESMA-Vacancies
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Senior Officer – Trade Repositories IT Supervision
Ref.: ESMA/2012/VAC77/AD8
Grade: AD 8
Deadline for applications: 30 November 2012 (13:00h, Paris local time)
Location: Paris, France
More information:  http://www.esma.europa.eu/page/ESMA-Vacancies

(ETF) The European Training Foundation

Temporary Agent (F/M)
Specialists in Labour Market and Employment Policies - Creation of a reserve list
Ref. ETF/REC/12/06
Grade: AD 7
Deadline for applications: 6 December 2012
Location: Torino, Italy
More information: http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Job_vacancies
Contract Agent
Communication Officer (F/M)
Ref. ETF/REC/12/05
Function Group: III
Deadline for applications: 14 December 2012
Location: Torino, Italy
More information: http://www.etf.europa.eu/web.nsf/pages/Job_vacancies_EN?Opendocument

(EU-OSHA) European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Temporary Agent (M/F)
Quality and Finance Officer
Ref.: EUOSHA/AST/12/02
Grade: AST 5
Deadline for submission of applications: 19/12/2012 (23:00 CET)
Location: Bilbao, Spain
More information: http://www.osha.europa.eu/about/jobs


Temporary Agent (M/F)
Database Assistant (Information Hub area)
Ref.: Europol/2012/TA/AST2/093
Grade: AST2
Deadline for application: Withdrawn due to organizational reasons 
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
More information: https://www.europol.europa.eu/vacancies
Temporary Agent
HR Specialist in the Administration Business Area – Personnel and Administration Team
Ref. Europol/2012/TA/AD5/094
Grade: AD5
Deadline for application: 30. November 2012
Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
More information: https://www.europol.europa.eu/vacancies


Temporary post (M/F)
GMES Project Officer
Reference: EUSC/V12/2012
Grade: B3/B5 (Coordinated Organisations salary scales)
Closing date of applications: 10/12/2012
Place: Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) Spain
Further information (http://www.satcen.europa.eu/html/news.html)

(F4E) Fusion for Energy

Contract agents (M/F)
(only applicable to candidates whose names are already on a valid EPSO CAST reserve list)
26 different profiles
Grades: FG II, III, IV
Deadline for applications: 31 December 2012
Locations: Barcelona (Spain), Garching (Germany) or Cadarache (France)
More information: http://fusionforenergy.europa.eu/careers/calls/cast.aspx  
Contract Agent (M/F)
Technical Support Staff - Magnets Project Team
Grade: FG IV
Ref.: F4E/CA/FGIV/2012/0068
Deadline for applications: 29/11/2012
Location: Barcelona, Spain
More information (http://fusionforenergy.europa.eu/careers/vacancies.aspx)
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Electro-Mechanical Technical Officer
Grade: AD 6
Ref.: F4E/TA/AD6/2012/0157
Deadline for applications: 29/11/2012
Location: Barcelona, Spain
More information (http://fusionforenergy.europa.eu/careers/vacancies.aspx)
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Accounting Assistant
Grade: AST 3
Ref.: F4E/TA/AST3/2012/0163
Deadline for applications: 21/11/2012
Location: Barcelona, Spain
More information (http://fusionforenergy.europa.eu/careers/vacancies.aspx)

(FRONTEX) The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union

Temporary Staff
Project Support Officer/Training Unit
Ref.: 12/TA/AST5/19.1
Grade: AST5
Deadline date for application: 24 December 2012
Location: Warsaw, Poland
More information: http://www.frontex.europa.eu/about/job-opportunities/open-recruitment-procedures

(IPSC) The Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen

Grantholders (M/F)
Cat. 20 (PhD) / Cat. 30 (post-doc) / Cat. 40 (senior scientist)
Deadline for applications: Please consult the IPSC website Location: Ispra, Varese, Italy

(IPTS) The Institute for Prospective technological Studies

Grantholders (M/F)
Cat. 20 (Phd) / Cat. 30 (post-doc) / Cat. 40 (senior scientist)
Deadline for applications: Please consult the IPTS website
Location: Seville, Spain
More information

(OHIM) Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market

Contract agent (M/F)
(only applicable to candidates whose names are already on a valid EPSO CAST reserve list)
Different profiles
Ref. AMI/12/831/Contract Agents
Grade: II, III, IV
Deadline for applications: 15 January 2013
Location: Alicante, Spain
More information: http://oami.europa.eu/ows/rw/pages/OHIM/career/career.en.do
Temporary staff (M/F)
Administrator: Members of the Boards of Appeal
Ref. VEXT/12/820/AD 11/BoA
Grade: AD 11
Deadline date for application: 14/12/2012
Location: Alicante, Spain
More information: http://oami.europa.eu/ows/rw/pages/OHIM/career/career.en.do
Temporary staff (M/F)
Administrator: President of the Boards of Appeal
Réf. VEXT/12/819/AD 14/PBoA
Grade: AD 14
Deadline date for application: 14/12/2012
Location: Alicante, Spain
More information: http://oami.europa.eu/ows/rw/pages/OHIM/career/career.en.do
Temporary Agent (M/F)
Occupational Safety Officer
Ref. VEXT/12/835/AD 6/ID
Grade: AD 6
Deadline date for application: 10 December 2012
Location: Alicante, SPAIN
More information: http://oami.europa.eu/ows/rw/pages/OHIM/career/career.en.do

(SESAR) The SESAR Joint Undertaking

Coordinator – Innovative Research (F/M)
Ref. SN012
Seconded National Expert (SNE)
Deadline for applications: 30 november 2012
Location: Brussels, Belgium
More information: http://www.sesarju.eu/about/jobs

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